Wednesday, January 30, 2008

It JUSt geTs i going tO goA now!?

It has happeNEd FOr the Fourth timE thaT the moBilE goEs oFf wheN i tYPe anD am almost going to finish thaT particUlar posT.i haVE loADs oF timE so i caN retype it again.
WEll in the mORning SAHiL caLlEd up anD conFirmed the plaN thaT wE haD seT to go to goA..yes..yOu hEArd mE right i will be going tO goA. I haVE a bUsy schedule i guEss.toMorrow anD day afteR will be the inTErvieWs at symBi,theN i haVE to go to My aunts plAcE fOr a coUple oF daYs,i mighT go to shirdi fOr a coUplE OF daYs becAUse i oWE so mUch to sai..theN i wilL have to reTurn bacK to My auNTs plAcE anD comE back again to the saME plAcE where i aM stAYing righT Now to atTend the siiB inTErvieW On the 9 th.
AfTEr the 9 th i aM OFf to goA.i guEss wE haVe alreADy booKEd the roOMs aT a hoTEl nEAr baga
BeAch.this is whaT i cALl fOrward thinking,foR the firsT timE shoWn by mY roOmmatEs.oF couRse beCAuse its goA.a coUplE OF daYS there,wEll, i DonT knoW hoW i aM gonA geT cash fOr all thiS but somEhow wheN yOU want somEthing baDly everything stArts faLling intO their plAcEs easing oUt the jigsaw being an optimist i beLieVE everything wilL geT sortEd OUt soon..its surely goimg to be great fun.everytime some idea like this floats up ,it gets cancelled just because one person cannot make it ,but this tiome we have decided no matter ,even if its only 2 people we will still proceed and go on to wherever we have of now,me,sahil,eugene ,naseeb and tariq are going along with the plan and we have already booked a couple of aunt might make a big issue but then i will sort it out,i have always done so.hopefully dad passes on some cash for the journey ,he already has done so much for me but then i think i will make everything worth once i get settled.
As i looK dOwn from the balCOny i caN seE a yOUNg guY who is mAd.he is cUrsing everyOnE anD kicking the roAD preTty badly anD is all angRy anD shoUting aT his toP vOice,theN suDdeNly he is all Normal anD tAkEs oUt the bluEtooth heAdset on which he was tALking.i DonT knoW if i was the onLy persoN who thought like that,anYways,
I thinK i aM going craZy anD haVE to stOp righT Now!!

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