Sunday, February 10, 2008

Gd/pi at Siib

So after tHe interview was dOne i ran to tHe refreshment room to latch on to something and to my dismay i just found a poor cold samosa lying there and haD only that..there was a half an hour essaY on computers ,if we have become prisoners to modern day technology..well i think no..after that they verified all tHe certificates and i thanked my coordinator for his support .his name was shubojit i guess..everything got over by 12 30 and i haD to go to dehu and reach my goa bus by 4 30.from Hinjewadi one doesnt get direct bus to dehu cos Hinjewadi is a totally company spread place and each company has their own conveyance for travel.i went to tHe bus stop.haD on idea where to go next and caught an auto to a place called aundh.from there another bus to a place called shivaji nagar.from their to tHe station and i found that tHe next train is only after an i caught up on some lunch nearby and waited for tHe train.i reached dehu and then cAME to tHe place called here goa bus haD to come with a guy called Nimesh.from that place we were taken to a place called swargate and from there i started my journey to goa iN tHe actual bus..

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Gd/pi at Siib

i reached tHe campus around 7 and was around 90 minutEs early .i will straight away start with tHe proceedings cos last two times i typed a LOT and tHe mobile jus went off iN between and i lost all data.
Group process
We were broken into groups OF 4 and we were all taken into a room with tHe moderator welcoming us and telling us that we were gona play a game.however it reminded ME OF tHe grand master iN tHe movie SAW who puts people iN fatal games where there is no other way to win tHe game other than hurting oneself very badly.
This game was nothing like it though.we were given envelopes iN which 3 to 4 plastic pieces iN tHe form OF triangle and rectangles were there..we haD to circulate those pieces within ourselves and iN tHe end everyone haD to have a square and iN between all this there COULD not be any communication OF any sorts.onE would offer his pieces to tHe other and if COULD accept it or refuse it as he pleased.
IN tHe end we ended up with 3 squares and one guy couldnt make a square.well after that tHe moderator cAME and showed us how to make a square for all tHe people with tHe given pieces.
Group discussion
We waited a little bit after tHe group process for tHe oTher 4 members OF tHe group to finish their group process and then proceeded for tHe group discussions....
THe gd wAs gooD aLthoUgh there was onE guY who was very oBstinate but though that is expectEd iN a was a case study OF an advertising agency which is mEdium iN size and is having problems like decreasing customer base and is having stabLe haD 3 options tO look into sack people with respect to their seniority
B.pack ineffective people
C.identify dOrmant posts and eliminate them..we haD a pretty gooD discussion except that delhi guy who was screamin for option no 1 and was giving a LOT of half measures.not that i am anyone to judge but he was easily tHe most disagreeable mEmber.and guess what he told onE guY sitting to his left..he was likE man!your body language was pathetic and u were bending down and crossing ur if ideas come from tHe legs!


i reached tHe campus around 7 and was around 90 minutEs early .i will straight away start with tHe proceedings cos last two times i typed a LOT and tHe mobile jus went off iN between and i lost all data.
Group process
We were broken into groups OF 4 and we were all taken into a room with tHe moderator welcoming us and telling us that we were gona play a game.however it reminded ME OF tHe grand master iN tHe movie SAW who puts people iN fatal games where there is no other way to win tHe game other than hurting oneself very badly.
This game was nothing like it though.we were given envelopes iN which 3 to 4 plastic pieces iN tHe form OF triangle and rectangles were there..we haD to circulate those pieces within ourselves and iN tHe end everyone haD to have a square and iN between all this there COULD not be any communication OF any sorts.onE would offer his pieces to tHe other and if COULD accept it or refuse it as he pleased.

Siib morning..

So here i am again waiting foR a bus to Hinjewadi and now its only 6 anD tHe bus is supposed to comE at 6 30.that mEans i am absolutely alone at tHe stop with tHe cold falling heaVily on tHe open deserted roads .i cant MoVE my fingers right noW as they are numb but somEhow i aM feeLing very happy.i aM waiting fOR tHe no100 bus and as i tOld earlier i aM alone ,standing with a bag and all formals with shirt and tie and it feels pretty odd .every bus that comes from tHe turn ,i hope comes here but it either pulls up somewhere iN front OF me or goEs to tHe other lane.
I have to get doWn at tHe phase 1 OF tHe rajiv gandhi infotech park and going by what peoPle said its a huge park and once you are inside it, one can only has all I.T biggies inside it anD is a huge plAce.
I aM really not impressEd with Siib s cant even get on linE iN their phone and that too on a day when there will be a LOT OF OF now one person just told OF that tHe bus will come at 7 but i know it will be here earlier.
I hope tHe interview process is short and that they dont bore much because i need to catch a bus at 4 50 to guess where..GOA..its been a great moNTh all together and surprises dont seem to stop.
And i just pass tHe meteorological department flash board where tHe currEnt temperature is being shown as 11.7 degree and changes to 11.8 and changes back to 11.7 ,this keeps on happening till tHe bus eventually notes ahead.its still dark and i guess its not very often that i aM up before tHe sun is and today is one OF those is cold right noW and i just wish that someone takes up tHe place next to me so that i feel a bit warmer but i guess i aM enjoying this cold too,it feels really nice and i wish i ll be a part OF it soon.tHe horizons are changing their shade from that OF black to a blue.
Its 7 30 right noW and i aM sitting iN tHe symbiosis infotech campus with tHe crowd OF people starting to pour iN.i really hope that they do have a coffee inside or else i will be iN that freeze even while giving tHe interview.that is somewhat tHe Case as iN sibm where they were questioning ME and i was more concerned as to make myself warm.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Shirdi triP OVEr too..whaT lieS aheAd.?lEts seE..

So..herE i am righT NoW going baCK to puNE after a greAt shirdi viSit.bliss!thaT suMs up tHe whoLE journEy.a sign boArd passes by indicating that mumbai is 228 km.somE oTher timE i tEll mYseLF.listEning to red hoT chilli pepper s nEw Album stADium arcadium.wOnDerful alBum.aLthoUgh i am noT a die hard fAN OF eNglish mUsic,i think thiS AlBuM is wOnDerful.heY heY i jUst saW a bipASHA postEr iN froNt OF a saree stAll.well Only i bUNKE haVe recognised it because its 2 reAlly olD OnE and i am telling so because i have googled alMost all her pics on tHe NEt,thats whaT i dO when i am jobless,and thaT Means alMost all tHe timE.ok.i guess i wilL have to stOp going ga-ga ovEr bipASHA.eNough.!
I Forgot whaTever i waS MEntioning earlier!well tHe way tHe trip tO shirdi was nicE .i reAched arouNd 3 55 pm iN shirdi anD as soOn as i opeNEd tHe bus dOor,there wEre peOplE trying to coax ME to kEep tHe shoEs anD geT freshenEd up at their plAce.well..not beCaUSe i waS looking miserable,bUt beCause iN tHe teMplE preMises fOot wEar is noT ALlOwEd and with reCEnt bomB threAts iN shirdi tHe seCuritY is reAlly tighT anD mobilE,caMEra,handycam..all are banNEd..becAUse i haVE beeN heRE eArlier , it was kinDa eAsy For ME to finD my way OnCe i goT dOwn at tHe this AgeNt from tHe plAcE followed ME till tHe teMplE trying to cOnvinCe ME to put up aT their plAce.aFter a whilE i guEss he unDerstood thaT it was a wAste OF timE,aNd probaBLy thaT i am mUch smArtEr thaN i lOoK;)so i wEnt to tHe hoTel where we haD BEEn eArlier ,onE reAson wAs thaT it was aDjAcEnt to tHe samadhi teMplE thaT is tHe mAin plAcE.bUt beCaUse i wAS alOnE anD Not coming froM a ruNaWay mArriage o somEthing,there was On roOm cos tHe onLy roOM lEft was a familY roOm anD wEll i reAllY DOnt NEed a familY roOm as such givEn tHe magnitude OF My sizE.but theN tHe guY shoWEd ME a plAcE where i cOUlD geT a roOm anD i did geT it there,bUt was a littlE saD i guEss cos i cOULD not seE tHe proCEedings oUtside,aTlEast thaTs whaT i thoUght.he gave Me mY roOm No 7 keY anD escOrtEd till tHe seCOnD fLoor anD guEss whaT..i COULD seE tHe goLDen tOmB OF tHe tEMplE so clEarly thaT I wAS eLaTEd.
WEll tHe roOm wAs noThing mUCh to writE aboUt,it was fOr whaT it was mEANt to be.a singlE persoN wAs More likE a booT CaMp roOm.jUst with tHe basic light anD fan anD a bed to slEep upon.well i dint nEed tHe roOm mUch too.i wOuLd be cheCking oUt tHe nExt Morning at 6.
So i tooK A quick baTh and wEnt On to tHe mAin teMplE anD saW tHe eveNing 6 o clock arati anD thaT toO from tHe FronT, wAs proUD OF MyseLF thaT atLEAst somEwhere i wAS eArly.anD it feLt beAutifUl anD abSoLUtEly peAcEful.there is rush aNytimE here.anD loTs OF LAdies iN tHe seperate roW fOr theM wEre finding it prEttY hard to finD their way.if i am Not wrong i saW a coUplE OF theM FAlling too.WEll rush is soMething thaT you haVE to cope up with anYwhere,i kinDa likE it too trying to finD My OWn after tHe arati i wEnt aroUNd tHe plAce to All tHe oTher plAcEs anD haD a wOnDerfull dinnEr from a restAuraNt there.aFter cOmin tO puNe i have bECOmE a vegetAriaN i guEss.i am haVing so mUch OF paLak ie spinach,cos thats soMEthing i ve MisseD iN coimbatore.aFter dinnEr i wEnt to tHe mAsjid anD was thEre tilL 12 at nighT.
OnE reAson i love tHe mAsjid iN here is thaT it seNds oUt suCh a bEAutiful Message OF onE reLigiOn,onE goD anD is an amaZing eXamplE OF freeDom.eveNthough its a mosquE it is namEd as DWAarakamai,that is a plAcE where tHe hinDu lord krishna was boRn.its bEAutiful if onE reAliser tHe mEAning it seNDs oUt.thEre is a 'WE' feEling aLl aroUND anD thaT is onE reAson thaT i Enjoy coming here.
By tHe timE i cAME back to mY roOM it wAs likE i wAS fLying.i couLdnt FeEl mY FeEt beCame nUMb.mY auNT haD insistEd thaT i tAkE somEthing wArm with mE but bEing tHe persoN i am i wANted to conVey a mEssage that i caN haNDle it.wrong timE to Do so i thoUght lAter as i cringed anD craMped iN tHe bEd.i FOot knoW whaT happeNed aFter thaT cos i goT up wheN My mom CaLlEd mE up at 3 iN tHe Morning!thaT was to mAkE sure thaT i ATTEnd tHe MoRning arati aT 5 15.wEll i goT up anD wEnt to tHe tEMplE with a bUNch OF beautiful reD roses to OFfEr.after reAching eArly yEstErday i tOok it fOr graNted thaT i wilL be earlY befOre a LOT OF peOplE ,hmmm.,sooN i fOund thaT it wAs NoT to be anD eveN thoUgh i wAS eArlY bEfOre a LOT OF PeOplE ,tHe only difFeRence was that those peOple wEre stAnding iN fronT OF Me.hoWever everything wAs OVer iN an hoUr anD i visitEd tHe whoLe plAcE again iN anOTher hoUr anD MEt an inTeresting persoN too.i wilL leavE it fOr tHe nExt BlOg proBaBly.because i haD a LOT to tAlK tO thaT guY,infact i haD a LOT to listEn froM him.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Vada paav @ ahmednagar anD i realise tHe WOrlD is fLaT too.

FinAlly..i knew..i shoUlD haVE haD somEthing when i stArtEd from puNE.well.i haD thoUght thaT its a 3 hr joUrney maximum aND it turnEd OUt to be a minimumu 5 hr jOUrnEy.still iN mY 3rd hoUr i guEss.tHe BUs haD stOpped somEwhere earlier when i haD BlOggEd,and i waS fEEling a little huNgry.i thoUghT i haD tHe stEel to last tHe joUrnEy without mUch fOOd.but did nt mY stomach swEAr Words at mE after a whiLe.?it was a relief wheN i saW tHe BUs stOpping at ahmednagar.withoUt tHe LEast OF hesitation i screAmEd Out tO a Vada paaV vEndor from tHe BUs and he was linE eNough to coME anD givE it to ME anD eveN givE OF chaNge for 100.god bless thaT guY.
TAlkin aboUt ahmednagar,it was a plAcE ,that i reAd,waS OnCe very diFficult to comMute was mattEd with a thick forEst coVer and tHe roAds almost Non existEnt.onE haD to praY a LOT bEfore going foR such a joUrnEy but noW i seE , i FeEL likE tHe whoLe plAce,whaTEver i hAVE reAd,has beeN cUt copy anD pastEd somEwhere.i seE hoardings OF max nEw York life insuraNce,an birtEl hoArding telling thaT all cALls are charged only re 1,i seE bajaj anD hero honDa showRoOms to name a few autOmobile shoWroOms..wait wait,i seE stOCk brokers likE moTilal oswal.religare anD a LOT More de mat operatOrs..wait comEs tHe icing on tHe caKe..i EveN seE an eXcLusiVE adidAS shoWroOm go by..glObalisation theY Call it and i agreE rigHt aWay.i couLDnt haVE agreEd moRe wheN thomas freidman terMEd tHe phrAse 'tHe wOrlD is fLaT'!

Vada paav @ ahmednagar anD i realise tHe WOrlD is fLaT too.

FinAlly..i knew..i shoUlD haVE haD somEthing when i stArtEd from puNE.well.i haD thoUght thaT its a 3 hr joUrney maximum aND it turnEd OUt to be a minimumu 5 hr jOUrnEy.still iN mY 3rd hoUr i guEss.tHe BUs haD stOpped somEwhere earlier when i haD BlOggEd,and i waS fEEling a little huNgry.i thoUghT i haD tHe stEel to last tHe joUrnEy without mUch fOOd.but did nt mY stomach swEAr Words at mE after a whiLe.?it was a relief wheN i saW tHe BUs stOpping at ahmednagar.withoUt tHe LEast OF hesitation i screAmEd Out tO a Vada paaV vEndor from tHe BUs and he was linE eNough to coME anD givE it to ME anD eveN givE OF chaNge for 100.god bless thaT guY.
TAlkin aboUt ahmednagar,it was a plAcE ,that i reAd,waS OnCe very diFficult to comMute was mattEd with a thick forEst coVer and tHe roAds almost Non existEnt.onE haD to praY a LOT bEfore going foR such a joUrnEy but noW i seE , i FeEL likE tHe whoLe plAce,whaTEver i hAVE reAd,has beeN cUt copy anD pastEd somEwhere.i seE hoardings OF max nEw York life insuraNce,an birtEl hoArding telling thaT all cALls are charged only re 1,i seE bajaj anD hero honDa showRoOms to name a few autOmobile shoWroOms..wait wait,i seE stOCk brokers likE moTilal oswal.religare anD a LOT More de mat operatOrs..wait comEs tHe icing on tHe caKe..i EveN seE an eXcLusiVE adidAS shoWroOm go by..glObalisation theY Call it and i agreE rigHt aWay.i couLDnt haVE agreEd moRe wheN thomas freidman terMEd tHe phrAse 'tHe wOrlD is fLaT'!

Vada paav @ ahmednagar anD i realise tHe WOrlD is fLaT too.

FinAlly..i knew..i shoUlD haVE haD somEthing when i stArtEd from puNE.well.i haD thoUght thaT its a 3 hr joUrney maximum aND it turnEd OUt to be a minimumu 5 hr jOUrnEy.still iN mY 3rd hoUr i guEss.tHe BUs haD stOpped somEwhere earlier when i haD BlOggEd,and i waS fEEling a little huNgry.i thoUghT i haD tHe stEel to last tHe joUrnEy without mUch fOOd.but did nt mY stomach swEAr Words at mE after a whiLe.?it was a relief wheN i saW tHe BUs stOpping at ahmednagar.withoUt tHe LEast OF hesitation i screAmEd Out tO a Vada paaV vEndor from tHe BUs and he was linE eNough to coME anD givE it to ME anD eveN givE OF chaNge for 100.god bless thaT guY. So here i waS iN tHE lAst seAt with NONe aroUND anD VAda paaV with mE.noNE being aroUND gave OF abSoLuTely 100per ceNt freEDOM ANd libErty to shove anY eAting etiquettes anD mannErs oUt OF THe winDow anD i lAunChed a fuLl On war with tHe fOoD with mY eageR fingers anD within a couplE OF minUtEs i eMErged as tHe vicTOr.poor VADa paaV haD surreNDered preTtY MEekly.a guY with water anD dRinks camE anD askEd if i wanted it.tHe waTEr braNd reAD'pure water' or soMEthing likE thaT anD i dismisseD it thaT timE itseLF As if i waS broUght up on aQuafina ,my whole liFe.bUt as it happens oFten you nEeD somEthing afTer you saW No, tHe firsT timE anD saME happeNEd to ME.i wisheD i haD noT AcTEd so hi fi anD shoUlD have haD thaT watEr,espeCiaLlY aFter tHE way i aTE THe fOoD.
AnYways TAlkin aboUt ahmednagar,it was a plAcE ,that i reAd,waS OnCe very diFficult to comMute was mattEd with a thick forEst coVer and tHe roAds almost Non existEnt.onE haD to praY a LOT bEfore going foR such a joUrnEy but noW i seE , i FeEL likE tHe whoLe plAce,whaTEver i hAVE reAd,has beeN cUt copy anD pastEd somEwhere.i seE hoardings OF max nEw York life insuraNce,an birtEl hoArding telling thaT all cALls are charged only re 1,i seE bajaj anD hero honDa showRoOms to name a few autOmobile shoWroOms..wait wait,i seE stOCk brokers likE moTilal oswal.religare anD a LOT More de mat operatOrs..wait comEs tHe icing on tHe caKe..i EveN seE an eXcLusiVE adidAS shoWroOm go by..glObalisation theY Call it and i agreE rigHt aWay.i couLDnt haVE agreEd moRe wheN thomas freidman terMEd tHe phrAse 'tHe wOrlD is fLaT'!

On a different lAne.

So noW i am oFf to shirdi.had to get up reAlly early today around 8 to catch up all tHe ready and took a ticket till some shivaji station,my AUnt accompanied Me till there .not that i insisted but she wanted to see Me through till i geT a bUs.i wOulD have loved to do it alonE but it was Necessary that i allowed her to accompany me for her peace OF mind and mY MoM s too.they care abOut Me,a LOT..and when i say a lot,i reAlly mEan it.i thinK that is onE thing when u r tHe only sibling iN yOur fAmily.u get cared a lot and tHe best part is you get spoilt a LOT too.
Well ,there was a hell OF a LOT OF rush iN tHe train and after we reached tHe station ,tHe bus stop was close by itself from where i tOok tHe bus to shirdi and am currently iN it.
One thing that i noTiced about tHe people here is that they are loud and beleive me they really are.its like i asked this fellow close by as to how much time it will tAke to shirdi, iN a low voice,because i dint want to souNd like a person who was new to all this and dint know anythin.and this guy thinks for somE timE and screams oUt so loudly'shirdi do bajey ko aane ka' iN a perfect bombay Ishtyle that tHe conductor who was taking ticKEtS from everyone doesnt even bothEr to ask Me where i am going and straight away gives ticket to shirdi,as almost everyone iN tHe bus heard my deAr friend nExt to me.i hAVE A Doubt that even tHe car iN tHe laNe on tHE oTher side migHt haVE stuMbled.but everyone,eventhough loud,are acTive and lovely and not as hostIlE as theY hear alMost everyone addressing each oTher as bhau,taai, mAtter whaT tHe situAtion is..
RigHt Now tHe bUs has comE to somE stOp.and everyone gets up and i am tHe onLy OnE iN tHe BaCK seAt.guEss its gona be a long journEy.
But anyways i am moving somewhere instead OF being dormant at onE plAce and that is somEthing i will go for anyday..

BAg pacKing MoNth..on tHE Move..

Well this moNth haS truly beeN tHe on tHE Move moNth,as far as i am concerned.that toO aT a timE wheN guYs are having exams baCk iN coimbatore.28 th f jaN ,i boardEd tHe train to puNe.reached there On tHE nExt day.roaMed aroUND A LOT THERE..31st was tHe scmhrd interview,that itself was like a trip.on1st it was an interview at sibm.weNt to bomBay tHe nExt day.camE to puNe aFterwards and then wEnt to mY aUNts plAce thaTs around 30 kms froM puNe.tOok nicE rest there fOr a couplE OF days but theN this moNth haS been for anything but rest:)so i deCided to go to shirdi for a couplE OF days too , and am currently iN a bus to shirdi.and thats not all!!i might go bacK to MY aUNts plACe toMorrow and then will pack OF for puNE city tHe day after.tAke a roOm oUtside and mEet some peOple.there is an interview on tHE 9 th and then comEs tHe best part.i am oFf to goa for a coUplE OF dAys.well i hAVE travelled so mUch on mY oWn this timE thaT even goA dOEs Not excite ME Enough.